Current and upcoming
I am a chair (together with Valeria Gradimondo) of the ESSLLI 2025 student session in Bochum.
I am organizing an online reading group (only open for students and post-docs) on classic, foundational texts in formal semantics, based on this collection. We also have special squib sessions upon request, e.g. before submission deadlines. Send me an e-mail, if you want to be added to the invitees.
I am organizing a (mostly in person) reading group / 'journal club' on memory aimed at inter-disciplinary communication. It is only open to the non-PIs within the research group FOR2812 (and some special guests).
I am organizing an online reading group on trans* linguistics (currently focussing on semantics and pragmatics of non-binary pronouns). Send me an e-mail, if you want to be added to the invitees.
On November 5, I gave a talk on working in academia as an autistic person, as a part of a lecture series organized by Campus Neurodivers RUB. Reach out for the slides. Maja Hoffmann wrote an article about the talk in the BSZ that can be accessed here.
I was a co-chair of this year's ESSLLI summer school student session (Language and Logic track) in Leuven/Belgium.
On April 25, I gave a career+outreach presentation to high school students gendered as girls as a part of the SFB 1315's contribution to #Girls’Day 2024.
My linguistic MA thesis (supervision: Viola Schmitt) introduces and partially solves a puzzle on conversational backgrounds of good-predications. It can be accessed here. It has lead to a talk and many notes/manuscrips on possible hierarchies of Kratzerian Ordering Sources, but I still consider much of this project open.
I also have a high school teaching degree and have tought German as a native, second, and foreign language. The narratological MA-equivalent thesis of my teaching degree was about metafictionality and can be found here (in German language).
I have done some student representative and political work in Vienna which has led to this book (in German language) on working conditions in Austrian Holocaust education.
I owe a lot of my philosophical background to the Vienna Forum for Analytic Philosophy and their easy-access possibility to present ideas and work in progress.
Please cite all of my work using my current legal name, Emil Eva Rosina, E.E. Rosina, or (for older stuff) E. Rosina.