Publications and manuscripts
Two forthcoming linguistic proceedings papers:
Rosina, E. E. & Liefke, K.: German 'noch genau wissen': Uniform semantics, distinct effects. Proceedings of WCCFL 2024.
Rosina, E. E. & Liefke, K.: Experientiality markers in memory reports: A semantics-pragmatics puzzle. Proceedings of ELM 2024.
A submitted paper on methodology at the semantics-cognition-philosophy interface
(single-authored; details later in the reviewing process)
Four philosophical papers in the early writing stage:
One single-authored, on re-remembering.
Another single-authored, on semantic ascent in philosophy of memory.
One co-authored with Kristina Liefke, a (linguistically motivated) meta-comment on
the philosophical debate on dis-/continuism of remembering and imagining.
One co-authored with Francesca Righetti, an analytic-phenomenological account of non-ideal remembering across temporal and individual gaps.
Some co-authored publications on conjunction and plural semantics:
Haslinger, N., E. E. Rosina, V. Schmitt & V. Wurm (2022): On the relation of distributivity and maximality. under revision. (draft here)
Haslinger N., A. Hien, E. E. Rosina, V. Schmitt & V. Wurm (2023): A unified semantics for distributive and non-distributive universal quantifiers across languages. under revision. (draft here)
Dočekal, M., N. Haslinger, E. Rosina, M. Roszkowski, I. Šafratová, V. Schmitt, M. Wągiel & V. Wurm (2022): Cumulative readings of distributive conjunctions: Evidence from Czech and German. In: D. Gutzmann & S. Repp (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 26, 239-257.
Haslinger, N., E. Rosina, M. Roszkowski, V. Schmitt & V. Wurm (2021). Cumulation cross-linguistically. In: M. Dočekal & M. Wągiel (eds.), Formal approaches to number in Slavic and beyond, Language Science press, 219-249.
Flor, E., N. Haslinger, M. Roszkowski, E. Rosina & V. Schmitt (2017). Distributive and non-distributive conjunction: Formal semantics meets typology. Accepted for publication in: M. Mitrovic (ed.), Logical vocabulary and logical change, Benjamins.
Flor, E., N. Haslinger, H. Koopman, E. Rosina, M. Roszkowski & V. Schmitt (2017): Cross-linguistic evidence for a non-distributive lexical meaning of conjunction. In: A. Cremers, T. van Gessel & F. Roelofsen (eds.): Proceedings of the 21st Amsterdam Colloquium, 255-264. (here)
A bookchapter on the pragmatics of autistic vs. allistic communication:
Rosina, E.E. & E. McCready: Masking as Persona Flexibility. In: J. L. Anderson & S. Cushing: More philosophy of autism. (accepted by the editors, publisher open)
Writings on the context-dependency and vagueness of gender terms:
Rosina, E.E.: Not strictly a woman – QUD-based 4-valent reasoning discharges lexical meaning. In: ESSLLI ’23 Student Session Proceedings. (here)
A broader, gender-philosophically focused manuscript on this issue, co-authored with Franci Mangraviti (details will follow).

picture: kristina liefke
Selected Recent Talks & Presentations
German 'noch genau wissen': Uniform semantics, distinct effects.
Poster presentation at the 42nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, UC Berkeley/USA, 2024. (joint work with Kristina Liefke)
Experientiality markers in memory reports: A semantics-pragmatics puzzle.
Poster presentation at ELM (Experiments in Linguistic Meaning), Philadelphia/USA,
2024. (joint work with Kristina Liefke)
'noch wissen, wie p' & 'remember x v-ing': Is there one remembering?
Talk at the MECORE closing workshop, Konstanz/Germany, 2024.
Pragmatics as a gate to epistemology in experiments on remembering.
Invited talk in the Semantics Colloquium, GU Frankfurt/Germany, 2024.
Continuist memories, discontinuist remembering.
Poster presentation at the conference of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Université Grenoble-Alpes/France, 2024. (joint work with Kristina Liefke)
The language of Re-remembering.
Talk at the conference of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Université Grenoble-Alpes/France, 2024.
Remembering is a Propositional Attitude: (de-)compositional support from German 'noch wissen, wie'.
Talk at AG 1 of the DGfS Annual Meeting, Bochum/Germany, 2024. (joint work with Kristina Liefke)
What Utopic Modal Predication tells us about ordering Ordering Sources.
Talk at the 23rd Szklarska Poręba Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics, Szklarska Poręba / Poland, 2023.
'noch genau wissen’ in memory reports: still knowing for sure AND remembering vividly.
Talk at SinFonIJa 16, Brno/Czech Republic, 2023.